Keeping a Childlike Mind & Heart

Today I truly realized you just never know and the importance of keeping your childlike mind and heart.

As I become older and watch myself grow right before my own eyes I’ve realized different events/circumstances & life itself will mold you in many ways that will somehow begin to strip you from your childlike mind and heart. When we are young we are so joyful we forgive so easily. We give so easily just overall pure and joyful but somehow as we get older those things change a bit.

I learned a few year ago reading a article about moving off those little thoughts we have in our head that we say naw thats stupid or i won’t do it they will look at me crazy and just going for it.

For example i can vividly remember seeing my girlfriend at her old job and in the moment something in me felt like a child again i wanted to say hello but the molded adult in me said ehhh forget it aha. but i had to remind myself no keep a childlike mind/heart and say something.

Somehow i ended up saying hello with zero expectation or agendas and little did i know a year and a half later we ended up together.

But as i said you just never know.

With that being said over the years my love for kombucha has grown rapidly it went from drinking it time to time to now every damn day. 

I was headed out to go see my mother and grandmother and got some water out of the fridge. I saw a unopened bottle of kombucha and something in me said hey i should take this bottle to my mom so she can try it. But then the molded adult thoughts creeped up on me somehow and said naw…. she won’t like it… she might waste it… I should just keep it for myself and drink it later…ill get her one another time. 

In that moment i had to remind myself i already had the thought of taking it for her so i have to act on it. Plus i drink this shit every day i should share with i grabbed the bottle and took it with me. I ended up leaving the house got gas and gave her the new bottle as soon as i saw her. At that moment the universe being the universe taught me once again a powerful lesson. 

My mom had a huge smile on her face when i gave her the bottle and thanked me, She said wow that is such a coincidence… Remember when i asked you what kind of kombucha you liked?.. I said yeah…? she said well i got you six of them yesterday and literally gave me a bag filled with six kombuchas. 

Me bringing her one was an act out of kindness and moving from my childlike mind/heart and little did i know she did the same and thought of me when she went to the store and purchased me SIX! Even as my mom she could of easily said ehhh Thats too much ill get him some another time but she acted on those thoughts of kindness and I hope to continue this though process in my personal life even if i receive or don’t receive anything in return. And hopefully if you are reading this in your day to day life you do the same. At the end of the day whats most important is remaining a big kid and moving from a childlike mind and heart. Bless up!

  • B-Wade